

Bushfire Suppression WA can provide you with the option of a fully automatic system which will operate in your absence and does not need mains electric power.

Smoke and ember attack will initially activate the system which is computer linked to sensors which can differentiate between an ember and flame attack.

Embers may arrive much earlier than the main fire, so the Bushfire Pro Sprinkler System will activate on the arrival of an ember attack and then stop when the area has been doused sufficiently. It will continue this until the arrival of the fire galvanizes it into non-stop action for maximum protection.


Manual operation of the system is walk up key start or with optional remote start/stop controller.

Water barrier

The efficiency of the Bushfire Pro Sprinkler System lies in the HD10 sprinkler spray head. The sprinkler head has been specifically designed to put a significant water barrier between an incoming fire and the building being protected.

You will often see a fireman advance on a fire with his hose spraying in a wide pattern to protect himself from the radiant heat – the Bushfire Pro Sprinkler System works in much the same way.

The most efficient and water frugal sprinkler on the market today.

The HD10 sprinkler uses only 9.5 litres of water per minute with an effective coverage of approximately 90 square metre’s.

This not only provides a comprehensive water barrier, it’s a major benefit when there is a limited water supply available.

The HD10 sprinklers saturate walls and windows while at the same time throwing water onto the roof and guttering, and beyond to the surrounding lawn and gardens.

The water barrier is enhanced by an incoming fire’s momentum and energy which helps drive the water onto the building.

High winds not only carry embers but also the water into ember trap areas such as roof eaves, doorways, verandhas and outdoor furniture, extinguishing them before they have a chance to ignite new material.


In new buildings all the system’s pipework can be hidden inside the roof cavity. In most cases the Bush fire Pro system can be fully installed into existing buildings with a minimum of aesthetic damage.

The Bushfire Pro Sprinkler System is installed completely independent of mains power and mains water supplies.

If you live in the beauty of the Australian bush, as part of a fire plan you should protect your family and property with the most efficient fire protection system on the market – the Bushfire Pro Sprinkler System.

best fire protection wa

Bushfire Protection is our business.

For further information please call Geoff on 0412 010 177 or Jeremy on 0403 949 933